You can easily forget about erection and potency problems if you add male vitamins to your daily diet to improve potency. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed list of such vitamins to make it easier for you to choose from the many offerings on the market.
Important characteristics of the vitamin.
Vitamins are special substances with strong biological activity that stimulate the positive work of certain organs individually and of the whole organism. In the absence of nutrients in the body, metabolic processes begin to advance much more slowly, leading to serious consequences for humans.
To improve the quality of intimacy, you need to take a closer look at vitamins with the following effect:
- Strengthening the immune system;
- Stimulation of the work of spermatogenesis;
- Improved blood circulation;
- Increase the level of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
- Acceleration of nerve impulses between the brain and the genitals.
The lack of vitamins in the body can be compensated with natural products or simply by buying vitamins in a pharmacy.
Why does the potency disappear?
With a proper lifestyle, male potency persists into old age, but today this phenomenon is quite rare. Already in middle age, many men suffer from potency problems.
- The main reasons for this ailment:
- Bad habits: alcoholism and smoking;
- Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
- Bad environmental situation in the place of residence;
- Constant stress and psychological disorders;
- Systematic physical activity;
- The use of antidepressants and similar medications;
- Improper nutrition;
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract;
- Obesity;
- Inheritance.
Together, even several of the above factors can seriously undermine men's health, disrupt the production of male hormones in the body, leading to delicate problems.
Obesity must be mentioned separately. Excess weight has an extremely negative effect on the work of the male genital organ, it can even lead to the loss of the morning erection, which is a serious sign of problems in the male part.
It is recommended from time to time to be examined by the appropriate specialists for the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Also, menopause can often appear in older men.
Every case is different

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to all male power problems. The problem of an individual man is always individual and is solved in different ways. Someone may find a common complex from a supermarket suitable, while someone will need more serious and rare vitamins to improve male potency.
The potency of a man is directly related to the general state of health of the entire organism. With the correct choice of the vitamin complex, in addition to potency, other bodily functions can be improved:
- The work of the cardiovascular system;
- Correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Increased body tone, etc.
All of this happens simultaneously with the strengthening of male strength. Therefore, you should always remember and understand that power problems are solved in a complex way and not in isolation.
Male vitamins for potency
Consider the popular vitamin complexes necessary for the healthy functioning of the male reproductive system.
- Tocopherol- regulates the production of sperm and male hormones, and also stimulates blood flow to the male genitalia. Contains vitamin E, which is the best male vitamin to enhance.
- Ascorbic acidIt is a useful element to improve blood circulation throughout the body, even in the groin area. Also, it has a positive effect on testosterone levels in the body and prevents prostatitis.
- Vitamin D- in any form it is an excellent vitamin to improve potency by stimulating the production of male hormones. The disadvantage, as a rule, manifests itself in the winter season; this is associated with a decrease in power in winter.
- Vitamin B- Promote healthy liver function and tone throughout the body. B6 and B12 are especially beneficial for men's health, promote the production of male hormones and sexual energy.
- Vitamin A- ensures a good work of male reproductive functions, improves immunity.
Trace elements
In addition to vitamins, the male body also requires microelements for its normal functioning. The most important trace elements are potassium, magnesium and zinc. For example, zinc deficiency can lead to decreased testosterone levels, loss of libido, and a poor erection.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the important mineral selenium. It significantly affects the quality of male semen and stimulates the reproductive function of the body. Selenium is actively used in the treatment of infertility.
The ideal option would be to add the micronutrients mentioned above to your daily diet. It will not only improve your overall health, but also your male health.
Admission rule
For the proper effect, you should competently deal with the planning of the intake of vitamins and microelements.
Daily dose of vitamins:
- B1 - 2 milligrams
- B3 - 20 milligrams
- B6-2-2, 5 milligrams;
- B9 0. 2 milligrams
- B12 2 micrograms
- C - 200 milligrams;
- D - 10 micrograms;
- E - 20 milligrams.
Daily dose of trace elements and minerals:
- Zinc - 15 milligrams
- Selenium - 5-7 micrograms
The rule of nutrient use is also worth mentioning. It is best to take vitamins and minerals with or after meals. It is not allowed to use it above the norm specified in the instructions, this increases the risks of side effects.
Tocopherol, B vitamins, and ascorbic acid are available in capsule or tablet form. They are consumed without chewing, whole. Unless otherwise specified in the admission instructions.
Vitamin D must be taken with water. For the best effect and result, you need to use trace elements and vitamins in a complex.
It is thanks to this that vitamin-mineral complexes are in great demand. They contain all the useful elements in the correct proportion, giving the best result. It is ideal for those looking for men's vitamins to improve potency.
Side effects and contraindications of doctors.
With competent and rational use of vitamin complexes, side effects, as a rule, do not occur. Often negative consequences can manifest themselves with intolerance to certain elements.
For example, tocopherol should not be used by people with cardiosclerosis and people who have had a heart attack.
Also, vitamins and minerals should be taken with extreme caution in people with kidney stones or ulcers.
Almost all cases of manifestation of negative consequences are associated with a violation of the dosage recommendation; This can lead to the formation of kidney stones, blood clots, skin rashes, and similar problems.
To avoid side effects, it is necessary to competently study each vitamin complex separately, and it is also recommended to consult with the appropriate specialist.
To avoid addiction, it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes with a system of courses.
If you follow all the above recommendations, you can not be afraid of the manifestation of negative side effects.
Products to improve male potency
In addition to vitamins, you can get useful substances and vitamins from common products:
- Tocopherol: celery, green onions, sunflower, or olive oil;
- Selenium: rye bread, seafood, corn;
- Vitamin D: milk, eggs, butter, fish oil;
- Vitamin B: milk, any fish, nuts, garlic;
- Ascorbic acid: citrus fruits, onions, parsley, carrots, cabbage.
Also, for strong potency, you should include the following foods in your daily diet:
- Quail eggs - improve erection, increase attraction to women;
- Orange and lemon: promote the production of testosterone;
- Saltwater fish: similar to quail eggs;
- Other shellfish: improves semen quality and quantity, and also stimulates its more active production in the body.
Also, it will not be superfluous to add natural honey, meat, chocolate, fruits and vegetables to the diet.
This was a list of all the most useful male vitamins for enhancing potency. We wish you good luck!